Registration is now open!

In order to register, you should fill the following Registration Form, and order a bank transfer to the following account:

Bank: Millennium BCP
Account Holder (beneficiary name): SPRG (Sociedade Portuguesa de Relatividade Geral e Gravitação)
IBAN: PT50-0033-0000-45476924773-05
Additional Information: EREP2020+name of participant
SPRG Address:
CENTRA, Dep. Física, Instituto Superior Tecnico
Av. Rovisco Pais 1
1049-001 Lisboa, PORTUGAL
SPRG Fiscal Number: 513399801
Bank Address:
Millennium BCP Camões,
Praça Luis de Camões 33,
1200-243 Lisboa, PORTUGAL


The conference fee depends upon whether you are a member of the Portuguese or Spanish Relativity and Gravitation Society (SPRG or SEGRE):
SEGRE or SPRG Members: 275 € (225 € if registration before 31 May)
Others: 300 € (250 € if registration before 31 May)

The conference fee covers coffee breaks and conference dinner. Registration fees are based on the date of the payment receipt, not the date of the registration form.
If you are not a member of the SEGRE or SPRG society you can still enjoy the member fee by sending the organizers ( a statement of the SEGRE or SPRG secretary confirming that you have been accepted into the society. To join the SPRG society follow this link, for the SEGRE society please follow this link.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations received in written by the 15th of August of 2020 will be accepted and all fees refunded less an administrative charge of 30 €. A no refund policy will be applied to cancellations made after this date. Transfer of your registration to another person is acceptable. The full name and details of the person who will replace you must be transmitted to the organizers.


The SPRG society has a limited number of grants to support the registration fee of some Ph.D. students. The application for financial support can be made through the registration form. Deadline for grant application is 31st of May of 2020.
In order to apply for financial support, the participant should send an email to the organizers, including a brief CV (1 page maximum, preferably PDF). Preference for financial support will be given to applicants who are in the last years of their Ph.D., especially among those submitting a contribution to the conference.

Organizing Committee: C. Herdeiro (Chair), J. Delgado, A. Morais, J. Oliveira, A. Pombo, E. Radu, N. Santos
Scientific Committee: Vitor Cardoso, José A. Font, Carlos Herdeiro, Ruth Lazkos, José S. Lemos
Administrative Support: Cristina Grosso
Email Contact: